Mondays With Melo-Inside of My Mind

Gratification and Glamour
What's happened to us in today's world is we seek gratification so quickly and we don't appreciate the journey. I talk about this in today's important blog...

Set Expectations For Yourself
The world always sets expectations for us along with the people in our lives. It's time to change that and set expectations for ourselves and control our own narrative...

When The Results Don't Show...
We all work hard at what we're passionate for. We want to see the results for our hard work. But what happens when the results don't show? I share that in today's blog...

Faith or Fear?
We all have choices and decisions daily. To choose faith or fear. It's all in our mindset in what direction we go in.

Eliminate Negative Energy From Your Life
Why do we continue to hold onto negative people and energy in our lives? It's not healthy and it's not going to bring us happiness, it's time to change things...

The Hamster Wheel To Nowhere
We are constantly running the hamster wheel of life leading to nowhere. I delve into this in today's blog, an important one to read!

Being Thankful For Where We Are
Our lives are constantly busy and on the go. But are we taking the time to be thankful for where we are? Materialism has been the downfall of our world today.

Breaking Generational Family Things
We all have family things we've been through in our lives. Today, I write a blog about this and how we can work through these experiences in our lives.

How Are You Doing?
Do we take the time to ask how are people doing? Today's blog is asking how are you doing mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically...

Don't Lose The Kid In You
We spend so much time being stressed in life because of what we have to do as an adult. Sometimes we can't lose the kid in us.

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