We continually run the hamster wheel and we go nowhere. We are part of the rat race everyday and we don’t even realize. Or if we do realize it, it’s more of how do we break from it and take back control of our lives? That’s the biggest component we all are trying to figure out day after day.
To run this hamster wheel, you have to be programmed to do it and accept it. We’re all guilty of it through our schooling which didn’t teach us a thing about goals and life. We spend 13 years of our life learning how to be an employee in a nutshell.
If we decide to go to college, that’s another 4 years of not learning much (unless you’re going into engineering, law, medical school, dentistry) and even then, you’re not taught everything to be honest. We bury ourselves in debt for a piece of paper to work our whole lives to pay it all back.
Then we end up in Corporate America, making other people richer while not having the best healthcare system put in place and we settle on a life of mediocrity. We continue to run on this hamster wheel to nowhere, giving up on our goals, dreams, all to survive and not live.
When do we stop running and get off of the wheel to nowhere? I don’t know, that’s a question we all have to answer for ourselves. I write these blogs, record the podcasts and write the books to get us to think critically. To get our minds chugging away and start having conversations on how to better our lives.
I don’t have all of the answers because the reality of it is, if I did, I’d be doing all that I can to get people to stop running the hamster wheel. I’ve been running on the hamster wheel since I was 15 years old when I got my first job. I’m 40 now so just think, I’ve been on this hamster wheel for 25 years.
Yes, I did waste 13 years of school and an additional 4 years of college to be buried in debt. My college degree is buried in a container in a storage locker back home in New York. I haven’t looked at it in years and here I am, doing my best to inspire and motivate you to not be me, or to not run the hamster wheel to nowhere.
We need to be running, but to a destination. A destination of happiness, joy, fulfillment and knowing that we worked hard to get to where we are. Will Corporate America be a place where everyone gets to the top of the totem pole? Not necessarily. There’s only a select few that get there.
I’ve been part of the hamster wheel at companies where there were just too many great, talented workers where we all couldn’t be promoted. A lot of us ended up leaving the company and going onto do great things but that’s just the reality of situations.
What I hope for everyone is one day, we all stop running the hamster wheel and we find peace and comfort in our lives and in our souls. The way the world is structured is not what we’re supposed to be doing so let’s work on changing that.
Thank you always for reading my blogs, it’s greatly appreciated. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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