The concept behind me writing 'America Under Mind Control' was to enlighten people on how much we are controlled mentally on a daily basis. What we fail to realize is society programs and trains our minds to act and be a certain way. Whether we know it or not, we surely don't take the time to understand the messages being conveyed to us everyday.
From the moment we are coherent and able to speak as little children, there are messages being told to us. While we don't realize that as children, as we get older, we should start to grasp the concept that the world does anything and everything to control our minds and keep us separated from each other.
Let's just take the education system for example, which is something I do delve into toward the end of my book, do you remember anything that you were taught in school? Besides the basics of learning the alphabet, learning to write and simple functions of math, how much of what you were taught actually relates to your life?
Have you ever taken the time to question what you were taught in your history books and science books? Probably not because you took everything those teachers taught you at face value. Meanwhile, a lot of it was all lies but at this point, how much do we care?
We were taught to be obedient in school, respect authority, don't question what you're being told. Have you ever caught yourself sitting with someone or in a meeting with people and you have your hands folded most of the time? Yup, that was indoctrinated into your mind and you subconsciously do it now because you did it so much repetitively that it's ingrained in your mind.
This all works perfectly into a Corporate America environment where you are to respect authority, don't challenge the big bosses and do what you're told. America teaches you to go to college, bury yourself in debt, get a plethora of degrees only to be paying loans back a large percentage of your life which makes you what? An average American citizen.
Have you ever noticed you're not taught the most important aspects of life? Critical thinking, cognitive thinking, challenging yourself and others. The most important things you learn in life you learn on your own or through others, opening a bank account, money management, stocks and bonds, buying a car, buying a home, building and growing your own business. Imagine if we were taught through hands-on experiences (which is what life mostly is when you think about it), but that's not what the rich and wealthy want from you.
Take the time to just think about that alone and then imagine how many other things the wealthy people are doing to control your mind. I tackle things such as music and radio, television, our shopping habits, print media, gun control, technology, credit cards, gambling, student loans, the food you eat, politics, diseases and medicine and many other things.
Until we start understanding and realizing the world around us, we will continue to be average, we aren't meant to live a life like that. If you have an open mind about life and the world, my book is definitely worth reading, it's available on Bookpatch and other bookstores.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers

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