In the next few months, I’ll be writing some really good books for next year. I plan on writing a woman’s book series that focuses on social issues that affect women everyday. I will also be going back to writing more books on men’s issues (The Struggles and Growth of a Man was the start).
The women’s series will tackle social issues such as postpartum depression, race, image, marriage, dating, kids and other things. It will be a six book series instead of 12 books as I don’t want to write too long of a series. I feel that I can write about some important social issues and others. I don’t want to delve too deeply into some things because of the climate of where the world is right now.
In regards to men’s issues, I feel that I can add more value to that because of the fact I wrote a previous series tackling certain things. I wrote about masculinity, therapy, behavior, decision-making and growth in The Struggles and Growth of a Man series. This time around, I’ll be tackling marriage, love, divorce, mental health, depression and other things.
It’s important for me to continually write about social issues that don’t get discussed enough in the world. While there are so many social issues, especially with women, I don’t want to go down a road of no return and write about things that women should talk about among them collectively.
While it will be good for me to write about women’s issues from a male’s perspective, I know that the pressure to write about this subject matter has to be on point. A lot of what I’ll write about are things that are currently happening in the world, me listening to stories and being around a large group of women in my family, I feel I can write some solid stories.
My upcoming projects will be something that I will try to write about daily. I’m so engulfed in so many things that sometimes I forget to stop, slow down, reflect and keep you all abreast of what’s going on with me. Plus, blogs like these will allow me to reflect back in the future and look at where I was in my writing journey.
That’s my blog for today, be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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