Life can get really hectic at times and sometimes you need quiet time for yourself. Every once in a while, you need to recharge your battery so you're fresh mentally and emotionally. No one is ever at their best when life is stressful and they're dealing with so much at one time. Sometimes we need to shutout the world for just a little while to get ourselves back to 100%.
For me, I need quiet time and in various ways. There are nights I get home from work and when I eat dinner, I don't have my phone near me, no iPad, and no television. It's just me eating my meal, that's it. I avoid thinking about my day or what I have to do in regards to my projects. Sometimes when I'm off from work, I will lay in bed in silence when no one is around. There are days when I'm off where I'll listen to music to relax my mind (ambient or electronic music helps me a lot).
It's not easy to deal with the stresses of life that will come your way. It's all in how you manage it and understand that you need a break from the world. Going out with friends is not going to always help, being around friends is not always the move either, it's literally just shutting yourself down and spending time alone.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed with life and all that's going on, take some time for yourself and get your mind right. Rest your body, cater to your soul and listen to what your mind and body are telling you.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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