One thing I have to say about accomplishing your big goals is you have to keep at it every single day. Easier said than done right? You don't want to do work today? Well, someone is outworking you, will that get you out of bed to do work? Yeah I figured that would do it. You're going to go through the grind of trying to get to the end goal and you're going to fail at things, there's no question about that. It's just a matter of whether you're going to let those failures define you or if you're going to keep going.
Failure is not an option for me, I've come too far on this journey to stop. I've been writing books for a few years, I've been recording podcasts for a while, writing these blogs for almost 3 years, recording YouTube videos for a few months and I'm still not where I want to be. I get a few books sales occasionally, have made dumb and bad investments in trying to get my books going. I've accepted that I've lost money in this whole process but if I gave up now, I'd always wonder ‘what if’ I didn't just keep going?
Nothing in this process is easy for me, I write these blogs, record audiobooks, write books, format them, make book covers, market and promote my books, record weekly podcasts, record YouTube videos, post on social media, engage on social media, writing screenplays, it's non-stop and never ending for me. There's always work for me to do and in the midst of all of this, I've failed quite a few times.
The point is if you really want it bad enough, you'll keep working at what you're doing. They say it takes years to build something special and big enough to where you can make a living doing it. I'm continuing to build my platform and my brand because by the time people realize who I am and what I'm going, they'll have a lot of catching up to do.
So today I want to instill in your mind, failure is not an option. That you're going to keep going and you're not going to let anyone or anything stop you from achieving all that you want. The world is huge, with over 7 billion people, someone will like and appreciate what you're doing no matter what it is. Nothing you want bad enough will come easy, otherwise everyone would do it. Remember that.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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