If you're going to win at life, you have to get rid of the energy drainers. The ones who are doubting you, don't care about your goals and your journey, it's time to let these people go to get you to the next level of your life.
There's a difference between being busy and being productive. I break it down in today's blog and you'll be surprised to know that one is actually better than the other.
We all get 168 hours a week and it's about how we utilize it. We all have to allocate time to certain things. At the end of the day, we all have time to do the things we want, how are we utilizing our time daily?
It's time to go after you want. It's either hunt or be hunted. I talk about this in today's blog so give this a read because it's necessary if you want to achieve greatness.
The question is do you want to be in the 99% all of your life or become part of the 1%. The 1% of people who are financially stable, happy and enjoying what they do and constantly challenging themselves to be great.
This is an important blog to protect your hunger and drive. We're all destined for greatness but we must be mindful of certain things. I share this in today's blog.
We always think we have time to do that. The reality is we don't and we can't get the time back that we lose out on. This blog delves into that today...
This blog is important to me and it's because I've always focused on being humble on my journey. It's the key to a life of longevity and being fulfilled in all that you do.
The one thing I don't get caught up in is the accolades when it comes to my journey. It's important for me to always focus on my goals and I explain why in today's blog.