Today's blog is a breakdown of how I wrote the book 'What If' what went into it, how many characters, the reason behind the book cover and how this story brings perspective to all of our lives...
We spend the majority of our lives sacrificing for others and not doing what we've always wanted to. I share a story about someone I met and also to motivate you to start living for yourself!
Last year, I hit a wall, a burnout. I lost motivation to do things regarding my passion. I talk about this, when it happened, why and how it happens to the best of us.
The way our lives are these days, we get to choose what we want out of it. Complacency and comfort or consistency and commitment? Let's work on choosing the latter.
It's a question that never gets asked but I am asking you. How do you want to be remembered and what's the most important thing you want people to take from you?