The Private Investigator 4 brings back some memories of Gary's time as a police officer. The police force is a code blue mindset and Gary and Joe have experienced it in their careers. This case brings things to a head where they have to investigate a case where Jenny a police officer is sexually assaulted by someone in her police department. This is an intense case and it has some serious content that if you’re not ready for it, I wouldn’t read it.
These are stories that happen in police departments across the world. These are also stories that don’t necessarily make the news all of the time. It’s a serious issue and there needs to be measures taken regarding the safety of women in the police force and other fields.
I wrote this book with the intention to bring more awareness and discussion regarding this issue. While it’s amazing that women are striving and advancing in so many fields and careers, their safety needs to be imperative no matter what and that’s the goal behind this book and this story.
Gary and Joe, I wrote it to where they’re really fighting to get to the bottom of this and it’s not easy. They know being former police officers that the code blue mindset is how it works. Things get covered up, pushed away, swept under the rug and no answers are provided.
I’m glad and thankful that I was able to write this story. It was surely hard and challenging but definitely worth it in the end. I hope you guys enjoyed my insight into this book in the series! The Private Investigator 4 is available on B&N, iTunes, Kobo, Scribd along with The Bookpatch.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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