I ran track my senior year in high school and I’m going to tell you guys a short story about my experience. The start of this journey had a lot of tough practices, conditioning and getting our minds prepared for races. Notice I didn’t say our bodies because it all starts with your mind first.
When you’re tired, out of breath, feeling like you can’t finish, your mind will push your body to finish a workout and that leads to being able to finish a race if you happen to start slow. That’s what you train for no matter if the race is 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters or long distance.
The workouts for practice in high school were intense some days and I’d go home sore, getting cramps in my legs but by the time the season started, it was easy for me. Training was hard but the races were easier because I was mentally prepared for what would be. I was training for a two month season and that’s the marathon. I didn’t necessarily train for one race, I trained for multiple throughout a two month season and 12 track meets.
Some races I did better than others but as the season progressed, I continuously improved and by the end of the season, I regretted running track sooner. I always questioned what my apex would’ve been had I started earlier in my high school career.
What I’m saying is, you have to train your mind which will lead to your body being in sync and that’s how you win the marathon. You will lose some races, that’s not the end, it’s the end results of the marathon you’re running to finish. The finish line takes some time to get to, train hard to get to that finish line and win.
That’s my blog for today, I hope my analogy with track and life relates and helps you. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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