Posts tagged with "men's issues"

A Man's Struggles/Social Stigmas
Friday-Book Insight  · 15. January 2021
I write an all-important blog as I talk about men's struggles and social stigmas in today's world. It is an emotional one where I share my struggles as a man.

Writing "The Man Who Lost His Soul"
Friday-Book Insight  · 11. December 2020
My thought process on tackling a societal issue that doesn't get discussed dealing with domestic violence in relationships/marriages. It's a story like no other...

Writing "I Woke Up A Black Man"
Friday-Book Insight  · 06. November 2020
Insight into my most controversial book, "I Woke Up A Black Man." The concept behind it, why I wrote it, why I felt it was necessary to write it and the controversial book cover.

Writing "Code Blue Part 4"
Friday-Book Insight  · 24. July 2020
Insight and thoughts on how I wrote, "Code Blue Part 4." Another shift and surprise in the series as I blog how I went about Gary doing the unthinkable...

Writing "The Struggles and Growth Part 5"
Friday-Book Insight  · 19. June 2020
Insight and thoughts into how I ended the series, "The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 5."

Writing "The Struggles and Growth Part 4"
Friday-Book Insight  · 12. June 2020
Insight into how I wrote, "The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 4."

Writing "The Struggles and Growth Part 3"
Friday-Book Insight  · 05. June 2020
Insight to how I wrote, "The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 3."

Writing "The Struggles and Growth Part 2"
Friday-Book Insight  · 29. May 2020
Insight to how I wrote The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 2.

Writing "The Struggles and Growth Part 1"
Friday-Book Insight  · 22. May 2020
A look into writing my first book, "The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 1." It was the start of my writing journey, my first book published and how I realized I can turn this into a series.