This blog I’m challenging you all. I want you to take the time to write down or type out your goals. Wherever you jot down your goals, put them there. I use a widget on my phone so I see it every time I open my phone. I don’t have a choice but to do the work.
Okay, now back to my challenge for all of you. After you write all of your tasks down, I want you to set a goal for when you want to complete them. In a nutshell, set the goal, complete the task. Put a time frame on completing your tasks or you’ll end up slacking or not fully going through the process of finishing what you started.
I need you all to hone in and mentally focus on what you want to accomplish. Get rid of the distractions, sit down, get yourself into a zone (however you do it) and get to work. Don’t stop until you’ve accomplished the goals you want to. No goofing around, no losing motivation, you can do it!
You know what’s holding you back, you know what it takes to achieve the results you want. You know the bad habits you have and the days you’re going to be lazy. When you’re in that phase, start setting your goals and completing them!
Let’s get to work! Let’s get the work done! Let’s accomplish goals! Let’s set goals and complete the task! Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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