When I sit down to plan out what I want to do, I write down the most important things I need to do. The biggest thing is planning and writing a lot of my content ahead of time. The reason why I do this is to make sure there’s content ready for all of you to read. With so many projects I’m working on (blog, books, YouTube page, clothing line, podcast), I have to make sure that everything is on point.
For the past few years, I have been writing my books ahead of time. In a nutshell, I stay a year ahead of time with my books. So by the time you come across my books and read them (if you choose to), chances are I wrote the book a year earlier. I know, imagine that!
People always question why I plan and write things ahead of time. Let’s just say I’ve studied the best businessmen and CEOs in today’s world and they’re always ahead of the game. They’re on top of what they plan on doing ahead of time. I’m going to break this down for you.
Look at clothing brands (big or small), you look at the CEOs, they’re looking ahead of time and being innovative. One CEO I study a lot is Randall Pich (CEO of Live Fit and Top Threads) and how he continues to be innovative in what he does. He’s always on top of things and he handles and manages a lot at once.
Based on what I’ve learned from him, Gary Vaynerchuk, Eric Thomas, they are staying ahead of their content and what they plan on releasing, posting and launching. To be the best, you must study the best, that’s for sure so that’s why I’m always thinking of my books and how I want to write them.
I tend to write my outlines for my books months before I start to write them. I’ve done it for so long, it becomes natural to me. If you choose to go this route in whatever you do, be prepared to be disciplined because that’s what it takes to be able to write things ahead of time.
Until next time, be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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