Next year I will be publishing my biggest series ever. The book series will be “ A Woman’s Worth,” which will tackle women’s issues in the world but in a positive light. It will be a series of bringing more awareness to things that aren’t discussed enough. One big social issue is postpartum depression and what women experience and go through after having a child. That will be the first book of the series just to give you an idea of what’s to come.
I’ve always felt that I could challenge myself to write a 6 book series and address issues such as women’s image in the media, the pressures they have to have kids, adolescents not having the role models needed in today’s society and plenty of other things. These will be stories I will surely be writing about in the book series.
There will be one book published a month and they will all be published the first of each month. That’s symbolism for the value of social issues that plague women in today’s world. I want to shine light on things a lot of us don’t know about and don’t address daily.
Each book will have their own characters and story lines which is exciting for me. The challenge for me is to bring these stories to light to where you the readers will feel, emote and ride the journey with these characters. With each book, I look to get better with my content, the story lines and character development. Those three components I feel are imperative to not only this series but any story that I write.
The rest of the series will consist of social issues such as maternity leave, role models for young adolescents, mental health and alcohol addiction, domestic violence and the portrayals and image of women in today's media. It took me sometime to finalize the topics I wanted to write about as there are so many issues that women face in the world. There's a chance I might write more books on women's social issues in the future but time will tell.
Hopefully you all will take the time to look into this series, read the books and go on the journey of these fictional young women who will tell compelling stories that I will bring to the forefront.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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