The last book of this all-important series A Woman's Worth 6 talks about the pressures of women having to get married and have kids by a certain time and age. Time is put on women because of the changes in their bodies as they get older. There’s always the talk of pregnancies being harder once a woman is over the age of 35. The thing is, I didn’t focus on that aspect of women having kids.
The main character Nancy is at a crossroads of her life. She’s in her 30s and is getting the constant questions of when she is going to settle down, get married and have children. The problem is, she’s unsure if she’s going down that road and that’s the focus of the story.
When she makes the decision to not have children, that’s when the story shifts and I intentionally did that. There’s a lot that went into the last book of the series and the reality is, no one focuses on how much pressure it is for women to settle down and have a family. Sometimes it’s cultural and expected (which is the case for Nancy) and other times it’s the societal pressures that kicks in.
Even women feel the pressure from those closest to them such as their friends. They may see friends settling down, having children and start to get those questions about having their own children. There’s a silver lining to this story as Nancy has a best friend who has already made a decision to not have children. The outcomes and responses are different and that’s an unfortunate reality of families in today’s world.
I hope that I did justice in writing great content not only for this book, but for the whole series. I took plenty into account, researched, listened to stories, spent time on social media looking at content and was able to write some solid stories.
Hopefully, I was a good spokesperson and writer for women’s social issues (you all will determine that). I thank you all for reading my blogs for this series.
A Woman’s Worth 6 is available on B&N, iTunes, Kobo, Scribd and other platforms. Paperbacks are available on The Bookpatch. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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