It’s the one question we should be asking ourselves daily, are we living our lives to the fullest? Are we doing most things on our own terms and fulfilling our souls daily? Or are we living the rat race, run on a hamster wheel day after day living a life in sedation. They’re questions that only you can answer for yourself, no one else can.
Are we taking a lot of what we have in our lives for granted? Or are we counting our blessings and doing what we can for others? It can be words of encouragement, something motivating you may say to someone, giving back to a community you live in and are part of, it can be anything.
Are you caving into “the American dream” or are you living life on your own terms? What I mean by “the American dream” is buying a house with a white picket fence and doing everything that’s been told to us by the book.
Maybe it's time we look at what fits us better than what the world tells us to do. If living in an apartment or condo works, do that. If you’d rather travel than buy a house where you’re paying a mortgage and exorbitant amount of taxes on a property you don’t fully own, then do that too.
If you’re good with a certain salary, a certain amount of hours per week of working in Corporate America, then have that life. Do what works for you and what fits your narrative. If you’re willing to be good with that, then there will be no regrets when you’re 80 and retired.
We sometimes forget that we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. So don’t feel obligated to be stuck in anything you’re not happy and fulfilled in. Whether it’s a job situation, a friendship, relationship, whatever it is, find your joy and peace and know that you’re meant to do and be great in life.
It’s okay to not have it all figured out, but it’s important that we’re living our lives to the fullest. Doing what makes us happy, what fulfills us, continuing to be good people in a society where negativity fills the news waves, internet and social media.
Always remember, do what works for you, no one else. Don’t cater to the pressures of the world, what everyone else is doing. Sometimes driving your own road leads to a more fulfilling life and living life to the fullest.
Don’t forget, that’s a book title I wrote and published so feel free to check out the blog I wrote on it.
Have a good week, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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