The year 2023 was a year of growth for me. I accomplished a lot from moving into a new apartment space, making new friends, exploring the city I live in finally and fulfilling big feats in my writing and podcasting space.
I hit a 300 episode milestone with my podcast and I did that in 3 years which is beyond nuts to me now that I’m reflecting on it. I published a 12 book series that focuses on the inner city. I became part of a writing network called The Unsealed with Lauren Brill which focuses on social issues and justice. I was on a digital billboard in the city I live in and quite a few other things personally.
The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to listen to that voice in your head more when it comes to taking leaps of faith. Had I not listened to the voice in my head and the opportunity to join The Unsealed, I would not have been on a billboard. At that moment when I saw the story on Instagram, it was GOD telling me to pay the subscription and to take a chance with sharing your content with other creators.
The book festival that I attended to sell my books in July, had I not paid attention to social media, I would’ve missed out on that opportunity. I made an investment to have a table and chair, bought some things to set up everything the way I wanted, ordered my books and made the money back along with building connections.
What I’m learning about myself is to take a leap of faith, make the investments that will help me grow my brand and become the writer and author I’m meant to be. It’s a tough field to be in with so many great writers and authors, to get noticed for your content is always the challenge.
Another milestone I hit was publishing my 50th book on my grandmother’s 90th birthday (which wasn’t planned, it just happened that way). I’m at 56 books currently and I’m closer to reaching my goal of 60 books (which will happen by December 6th of this year) which is huge for me. When I made the verbal contract with GOD to write 60 books, I was losing my mind at that moment but here I am, nearing the finish line of one of the biggest goals I’ll accomplish in my life.
What I’m here to tell you is, make this year the one where you continually push to be the best version of yourself. Challenge yourself to become someone you never thought you could. Face the challenges head on and know that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.
My mind is always chugging away at new content that I can create for you all to read, listen to or watch. I appreciate everyone who reads my blogs, listens to my podcasts, reposts anything or even reads the short poetry I write on my Instagram.
Thanks for reading my blog today, be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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