It isn’t about accolades, awards, the cheering, it’s about being legendary. It’s about writing and creating content that will forever live on. It’s about telling stories that lead to conversations, some good, some bad and a lot uncomfortable.
For me, when people talk about me, I want my books to come up in conversation but also my blogs and podcasts. Yes I want to do well and succeed in all that I do but I also want to impact as many people as possible, that’s why I do my Motivation Wednesday blogs and podcasts.
I want people to say I inspired them to write a book or to chase after their goals, whatever it is that they’re passionate about. It’s not just about my books and talking about social issues, it’s also motivating and inspiring people to be great. Sometimes it’s not about focusing on my writing, it’s telling my story on what keeps me writing and why I am passionate about what I do.
When I talk about being legendary, there’s so many elements to what I want to do. It’s the books, the blog, podcast, clothing line and other endeavors that I plan on pursuing in the future. There’s a lot that goes into the work I do and I want the world to know I’m always working on new goals.
One day I will retire and I want people to know that I gave my all to tell stories and change the landscape of how we live in the world. Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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