We’ve all heard of people who follow and those who lead. So as I write this blog, I want to ask you, are you following what everyone else is doing or are you leading the way to prosperity in life? Following would consist of doing what everyone else is by settling into a life of monotony, having the same routines, and not having anything to look forward to.
Following the trend of making it in Corporate America has been an ongoing thing for decades but have you ever thought of taking the lead in your life and pushing through the grind of achieving greatness? Whatever it is you’re worried about, rid yourself of that and focus on what you want.
You’re worried about failing? Everyone has experienced it. You’re thinking about the long journey, well the most special things you want out of life takes years to build. Taking the lead of your life is scary. You don’t know what will happen, there’s all of the uncertainties of what can and will happen.
But don’t we live the majority of our lives in uncertainty? Everyday is different so why wouldn’t you say, “hey, I want to do better for myself and my family.” You can be the first in your family to do something that no one else has done. I’ve accomplished a few feats that no one in my family has done.
You can be the one in your family who everyone looks up to. The one that everyone is inspired by and they think, if he/she can do this, then why can’t I? It’s not necessarily leading in Corporate America but within the confines of those closest to you.
If you were to start on this journey now, you never know where life will take you. Even your friends may be inspired and motivated to want the life you’re going after. Now, you can push each other to do great things. That’s what taking the lead is about, think about it.
That’s my blog for today, thank you for reading as always, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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