America, A Country Divided was more of a continuation of, “America Under Mind Control.” I didn’t want to name America Under Mind Control Part 2, I wanted to change the concept of the state of America and focus on us being divided.
There are certain topics of discussion in this book that will resonate with you not only now, but later on down the road if you were to read the book again. I wrote this book not only for now, but for decades down the road, you can read it and it still relates.
It’s one of those books where if you pick it up and read it down the line, you’ll learn of the state of America and it’s affairs from the book. I liked the thought of that when I was planning out the book through my brainstorming sessions.
While I would love to disclose the topics of discussion, you can just see it on the bottom of my notes and take the time to go on Amazon or other bookstores and check it out. It was a pretty fast book to write, probably the 2nd fastest book I’ve written so far.
Writing books on the state of America is important to remind us of where we are and how far long we have to go. It’s a constant uphill battle and the goal for them is to keep us divided and fighting against each other and they spend billions of dollars in propaganda to do that.
We have to always be cognizant of what they’re doing and it’s to control our minds through emotions and not thinking clearly and critically. They do it through the media (television, print, social media, etc.).
The day we decide to put our heads together and stop fighting each other and take the fight to them, it’s game over. Remember that.
America, A Country Divided is available on B&N, Apple, Kobo, Scribd and many other bookstores. Paperbacks are available on The Bookpatch!
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals.
Jamell Crouthers

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