Hello everyone, this is Jamell Crouthers, welcome to my website. I am an author, blogger, podcaster and YouTuber. Take the time to explore my site as my books and audiobooks are posted on here for your viewing.


I will be posting YouTube videos on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and my blogs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. My Podcast will be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Enjoy my site and reach out if you want to ask anything! You can view my eBooks on Payhip-my personal store or all major bookstores. Paperbacks are available on The Bookpatch

Writing Journey

My writing journey has taken a life of its own. I have been writing prose books for a few years and these two books have so much content from brainstorming sessions to things I have to do, and many other things. There are many brainstorming sessions in these books of how I create the content I do daily. 


I never thought I'd have my own podcast but it's something I embraced and felt that my voice can have impact on others through my thoughts, motivation and book insight. There's also the journey of recording audio books of my books I've written. 

Books I've Written

February 2016, I stepped into a new challenge and journey in my life. Six years later, I've been blessed to have written over 50 books. There's so much that goes into writing my book and I will be sharing with you my journey along the way so get ready!

Where It All Starts

We all have that one place where we are our most productive. This is my desk and a very comfortable chair where I do a lot of my writing, editing, formatting and creating book covers. It's one of many places where I've done a lot of work on my content.