This blog was inspired by someone I met. She will remain nameless but what I will say is, it was a great conversation about life and our experiences that has brought me to writing this blog. It’s funny how blog ideas come to mind when you’re living life and being in the moment.
Listening to her story about where she’s from, life experiences, marriage, kids, goals, bucket list of things she wants to do, I felt inclined to tell her, it’s time to start living your life. She has three kids and as a mother, she’s sacrificed so much of her life to raise her children which is a beautiful thing. But....now her kids are pretty much adults and ready for what the world has to offer them and I told her she doesn’t need to sacrifice much anymore.
She’s ready to do a lot of things that she’s held off for so long. Partly because of marriage and having children. She has a good career, loves what she does but she wants more out of life. She feels that life is passing her by but the good news is she can change that.
The point is, you have most likely sacrificed doing a lot of things in your life for the sake of family, career or whatever it is. It’s time to stop sacrificing things for others and start doing things that’s best for you. The biggest thing that happens later in life is regret. It’s time to break out of that and go live your life as you see fit.
No more pushing things back. It’s time to go on that vacation on your bucket list, go do that class you’ve been wanting to, join the gym you’ve wanted, write the book you’ve been putting off, start the career and passion you've been wanting to, whatever it is, go do it!
We spend so much of our lives surviving and not living. I know right now, with all that’s going on in the world, we are doing our best to survive but when are you going to start living? My birthday weekend, I went out to dinner by myself, got breakfast on my own at a diner I like, treated myself to a nice massage and went to the movies. Stop waiting for people to do things or for someone to give you the stamp of approval to do things. Just get out there and go live your life.
The pictures in your phone will be great memories years from now. But pictures don’t capture the memories you have stored in your mind. Life moves fast so try to slow down, learn about yourself, who you are and what you want to be. Live your best life!
Thanks for reading my blog as always, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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