When your life comes to an end in the body that you’re in, how do you want to be remembered? Will you be happy with the life that you’ve lived? Will you feel accomplished, impacted others, feel fulfilled in all that you’ve done in your life? Will you have memories and not many regrets?
Will you be able to accept that you did all that you wanted in your life? Will you be able to leave behind a legacy for your family? These are all of the questions that you get to answer for yourself. They’re not all answers you need to have right now, but as your life progresses, these are things you have to ask yourself.
We forget that impacting others is what matters most in life. It’s about relationships and whether you treated people right. What society and the world will tell and show you are people who are greedy, money hungry, capitalistic, living in lavish homes, driving fancy cars and being on yachts.
When you’re no longer here in the physical realm, no one is going to remember how much money you made, how big of a house you had, what jewelry you had, how many cars you owned. People will remember the impact you had on them whether good, bad, ugly or indifferent.
Trust and believe, there are people who have impacted my life in an immense way and they weren’t here long. Along with that, there are people who are still here and they didn’t impact me the way they could have.
That green piece of paper you can take with you when you go. We all go in the same casket or urn (however you want to do it when you’re gone) and we tend to forget that a lot of times. Our caskets will be a different size depending on our height but we’re all going in one when it’s all said and done.
Take the time to think about how you want to be remembered. Thanks for reading my blog, have a good week, be good and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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