It’s the beginning of February and so much has happened in the world. Even if anyone was living in a cave, they would be coming back to a world that’s in disarray, madness,
uncertainty and scary times. From school shootings to airplane crashes, cities burning down, blackouts, sightings of flying objects in the sky, the ceasefire in Palestine, inflation is still at its peak, a returning president, ICE is on a rampage to deport people who are just trying to make a better life for themselves, and a myriad of other things that I probably missed.
The point is, are we good, are we okay? How are we all managing the day to day with what life is presenting us. And oh let’s not forget the job market here in America is not on par with what we as citizens are expecting from companies (yes I’m in the trenches with it currently). With all that’s going on, I am concerned for so many people that are going through a lot.
I can sit here and tell my story of all that I’m dealing with but it doesn’t compare to what so many people are dealing with currently. Between the LA fires and the deportation of immigrants has me on edge because this is affecting normal people like me who are just trying to make a better life for ourselves and our families.
With Los Angeles, there were thousands of homes that burned down in three major cities and then it migrated south to San Diego. There’s so much that’s being talked about on social media (I apologize for not delving into the TikTok ban and shutdown of the app for 12 hours), but TikTok has become a platform for truth, information, engagement and understanding of what’s going on around us and what’s being done to us.
January felt like an eternity for so many people and even when it was my birthday, it didn’t even feel like it. I did a few things on my own but I’m at a place where my birthday is a brief celebration of life and making it another year but then also thinking of what’s next for me. The start of the year was crazy and I’m quite sure a lot of you are thinking, if all of what I said happened, what’s to come of the rest of this year? What’s going to happen for the next 300+ days we have this year?
It's a scary time right now and there’s so much concern. We’re more cautious of how we think, process, spend our money and we’re starting to take back control of our dollar. Companies are changing their policies and ways and we’re starting to see how companies think and operate. We’re plummeting stocks in some of the biggest companies in the world and that the consumer is what keeps their business going.
The biggest thing I can say is, don’t live in fear and don’t let all of the negativity affect your mental, spiritual and emotional space. I know it’s easier said than done but the reality is, we can’t control every aspect of what’s going on in the world. We all have a role and an opportunity to change the landscape of things. We have the ability to change the narrative but we have to wake up to the realities of what our lives are. We have to seek truth in all that we are and how much we play into the scripted show that’s being shown to us.
Crazy times but we can and will get through it. Thanks for reading my blog, have a good week, be good, and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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