Having clutter going on in your mind is one of the worst things to deal with when you're working on something major. Life can get busy and hectic and sometimes our minds aren't able to fully function correctly and be clear of the clutter. The best thing to do is calm your mind and recharge your battery.
When your mind is calm and at ease, your thoughts are more clear, you're more coherent and cognizant of things. I've dealt with my mind being all over the place and it was hard to focus on what I had to do. When this happens to me, I take a break, get my mind right and then come back to what I'm doing.
It all starts with your mind with anything, your thoughts control the rest of your body. When your mind isn't right, your body isn't either and can affect everything else. That's why they say, how you think determines how your life will go. So be sure to calm your mind whenever things get too hectic in your life.
I know it's easier said than done but it's imperative that you keep your mind clear of all of the clutter. Stress causes it, overthinking, overanalyzing things, situations going on in your life and many other things. Take care of yourself, it goes a long way.
Be good everyone and go accomplish your goals!
Jamell Crouthers
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